Monday, October 25, 2010

Momnesia Soundtrack!

Hey there music lovers! Exciting news! I've created a soundtrack for my novel, MOMNESIA, and it's up and ready for you to enjoy!

Whether you're a "Momnesia sufferer" or not, chances are you'll enjoy the songs on the soundtrack. Visit this page on my website --Momnesia Soundtrack!-- and you can listen to samples, buy individual songs, or choose to get the whole soundtrack!

Throughout the book, the main character finds inspiration in some of the most unforeseen places, including people, horses (ahem... a city girl catching a loose horse?), books, and especially music! Some of the songs that are so significant to her play a featured role throughout the story, eventually coming to have entirely different meanings by the time you get to The End. Others are mentioned more in passing, but are still great songs.

Hope you enjoy the music!

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