Friday, May 21, 2010

The Momnesia Chronicles: Episode 1

Thanks for joining the fun with The Momnesia Chronicles!

What are The Momnesia Chronicles? A fun way to connect with other women for a few laughs, a break from your hectic day, and a little commiserative fun! I look forward to your comments, and anticipate quite a few laughs together!

In my novel, Momnesia, the main character, Shelley, struggles to find a balance between her "motherliness" and her "womanliness," after diagnosing herself with Momnesia:

Momnesia (mahm-nee-zhuh) -noun-
Loss of the memory of who you used to be. Caused by stretch marks, toddler play dates, and trying to keep the house cleaner than the Joneses.

What about you? Have you or someone you know ever "suffered from" Momnesia? I know I sure have! So let's kick off the first episode of The Momnesia Chronicles with this question (I'll go first):

You might be suffering from Momnesia if:
You've ever found yourself sitting at your computer ordering American Girl Doll pajamas, and realize they are not only prettier than yours, but more expensive too!

Can't wait to hear yours! Please feel free to share this with your friends who may want to join in!


  1. Funny that you mention buying American Girl clothes for more money than your own. How about the cost of the Builder Bear under ware at $3.50 a pair, when mine are 4 for $10.00. And the funny thing is, it seams to be so important to the child at probably age 7, too young to remember it when they get to be an adult. So why do we do it. For them or for us?

  2. And the further irony?... The American Girl Dolls and Build-a-Bears can't even fit into one another's clothes and share them!

    Thanks for participating!

  3. Having three sons in three years before I was 21 definitely qualifies me as a sufferer of "Momnesia"!!! The first five years were kind of a blur of cloth dypers, sterilizing bottles, and loads and loads of laundry!!! I was referee, shopper, kisser of bumps and bruises and most of all, just mom!! Wouldn't trade those memories for anything!!!


Your comments are welcome; please make sure they are relevant to the discussion. Thanks for participating!