Winter. It's cold, right? In many places, yes, but not so much where I live, which is in North Carolina. I mean, I do have to wear a light jacket here and there, but compared to New York, where I lived for the first 34 years of my life, winter here is like a balmy breeze. No shoveling, no window scraping, maybe a couple of inches of snow for the entire season--and it's all gone within a day.
So why the title, "Winter is Cold and So Am I"? The truth is, sometimes I feel downright cold. Not cold temperature-wise, but cold-hearted. There are days when it seems that I hate just about everything. Even things I sometimes love!
For example, coupons. They're so much work! You have to remember to bring them, figure out which is the best deal, remember to use them at the register, make sure you have the coordinating rewards card with you. My question is, why don't they just make all the prices cheaper and save us all this work? Stores would be saving work and money for themselves, too, not having to utilize expensive equipment and take up employees' time.
And French toast. That's another thing. Here in NC there's a phenomenon where if there's even the slightest mention of a possible snow flurry, everyone runs to the store to buy bread, milk, and eggs. Because surely if it were to snow, we'd all have to make French toast. It would be a French toast emergency! The problem? These French-toast-supply-stocker-uppers are in the way of we normal people who simply need to buy bread so we'll have it for sandwiches!
Come to think of it, a lot of the things I feel "cold" about have to do with shopping. An activity I normally love! The other day, the heel broke off my favorite pair of sexy boots. Sad but semi-okay, because now I have an excuse to go shoe shopping! (Surely I would not be expected to live without sexy boots, right?) Yet I'm not looking forward to shopping because I know that I have a $10 off thing for my favorite shoe store and since I can't find it, I'll feel ripped off paying full price.
Other things I have a love/hate relationship with include: house flags (which one am I supposed to put up now that Valentine's is over and Easter is so far away?), the Internet (so convenient yet inconvenient), my cats (so adorable, but not when they puke), and many, many other things.
It's become obvious that I need a break from the normal world. A trip to the lake, where I can literally spend an entire weekend and not have to interact with anyone.
Oh, and there's good news, too! My publisher is running a coupon code (gasp!) for 10% off "Momnesia" books. Use code
BOOKCLUB10 to get 10% off already reduced wholesale pricing.
See, I told you... there are things I both love and hate!
I am an author whose novel, "Momnesia,"
will be released 3/16/12 in Paperback and Kindle. I've been a freelance writer, journalist, columnist, and seminar speaker for 15+ years, and also have a nonfiction book, "Everything You Need to Know About House Training Puppies & Adult Dogs,"
published in 2005. I'm a happily married mom of two, step mom of two more, and have two cats, both rotten. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy my blog!