Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Episode 2: Momnesia Chronicles

Last week we kicked off The Momnesia Chronicles by sharing some funny stories of how we've "suffered from" Momnesia.

In my novel, Momnesia, the main character diagnoses herself with Momnesia (see definition to the right) and realizes she needs to pursue her own interests.

What activities or hobbies do you enjoy that help counteract the feeling that your family has completely taken over?

I'll go first: Reminding myself to put on music I enjoy. It's easy, can be enjoyed even in short bursts, and makes chores get done a heck of a lot faster.

Looking forward to hearing yours! Men, you can participate too! Post your reply in the comment box below:
What activities or hobbies do you enjoy that help counteract the feeling that your family has completely taken over?"


  1. I had a momnesia moment recently when I strapped on the old rollerblades for the first time in almost 10 years. I got bored sitting on a bench at the park watching my sons ride their trikes so I dusted off the rollerblades...literally had to hose the dust off the bag...and got rolling. Happy to say that within minutes I had my "blade legs" back, and rocked 'em! So glad to have rediscovered that joy from the BC (before child) days. Thanks Lori, for providing the forum to share this!

  2. Clarice: You DO rock! That is a great example of doing something you enjoy while also maintaining the "momminess" that is so critical to our offspring! :-)

    Your post also illustrates an interesting point: What is enjoyable to one person may not be enjoyable to another, which is why we all need to find our own interests to pursue.

    Case in point: In my novel, Shelley feels compelled to pursue her own interests but while trying to think of what she'd like to do, she says, "I used to enjoy it, but at this point in my life I can't imagine I'd want to strap on roller blades for eleven miles of exercise/fun."

    Interesting contrast!


Your comments are welcome; please make sure they are relevant to the discussion. Thanks for participating!